AsurDx FMDV Type SAT2 Antibody cELISA Test Kit

The AsurDxTM FMDV Type SAT2 Antibody cELISA Test Kit (Bovine/Ovine/Caprine/Swine) is designed for the detection of antibodies specific to multispecies of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype SAT2 in bovine, ovine, caprine or swine origin


  • Detects FMDV serotype SAT2 antibodies in serum and plasma samples from infected or vaccinated bovine, ovine, caprine or swine origin;
  • Procedures last less than 2 hours;
  • Provides a simple, rapid, sensitive and specific competitive enzyme-based immunoassay (cELISA) screening method

*Availability/Distribution: Product is designed and developed by BioStone US Texas headquarter and manufactured/assembled by BioStone oversea subsidiaries or partners. Currently, the product is only available outside of the USA. Regulatory requirements vary by oversea countries; the product may not be available in your geographic area.


MethodCompetitive ELISA
Coated AntigenFMDV Type SAT2
Incubation Time105 minutes
StorageAt least 12 months
Specificityantibodies against FMDV Type SAT2 in cattle, goat, sheep or pig serum/plasma samples

Order Information

Catalog Number10105-0210105-05
Plates2 plates5 plates
Plate Format12 X 8-well strips12 X 8-well strips

About Disease

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is caused by the FMD virus (FMDV), which is a member of the genus Aphthovirus and the family Picornaviridae. FMD is one of the most highly contagious and economically devastating diseases of cloven-hoofed animals, and it severely constrains the international trade of animals and animal products.