AsurDx™ FMDV Type Asia1 Antibody cELISA Test Kit
The AsurDxTM FMDV Type Asia1 Antibody cELISA Test Kit (Bovine/Ovine/Caprine/Swine)is designed for the detection of antibodies specific to multispecies of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype Asia1 in bovine, ovine, caprine or swine origin.
- Detects FMDV serotype Asia1 antibodies in serum and plasma samples from infected or vaccinated bovine, ovine, caprine or swine origin;
- Procedures last less than 2 hours;
- Provides a simple, rapid, sensitive and cost-effective enzyme-based immunoassay (ELISA) screening method
*Availability/Distribution: Product is designed and developed by BioStone US Texas headquarter and manufactured/assembled by BioStone oversea subsidiaries or partners. Currently, the product is only available outside of the USA. Regulatory requirements vary by oversea countries; the product may not be available in your geographic area.
Method | Competitive ELISA |
Coated Antigen | FMDV Type Asia1 antigen-coated Plate |
Incubation Time | 105 minutes |
Storage | At least 12 months |
Specificity | Detect antibodies against FMDV serotype Asia1 in cattle, goat, sheep or pig serum/plasma samples |
Order Information
Catalog Number | 10090-02 | 10090-05 |
Plates | 2 plates | 5 plates |
Reactions | 192 | 480 |
Plate Format | 12 X 8-well strips | 12 X 8-well strips |
About Disease
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is caused by the FMD virus (FMDV), which is a member of the genus Aphthovirus and the family Picornaviridae. FMD is one of the most highly contagious and economically devastating diseases of cloven-hoofed animals, and it severely constrains the international trade of animals and animal products.