
11/12/2024: BioStone AsurDx™ bELISA and iELISA for African Swine Fever have been evaluated by OIE ASF Reference Laboratory and published in Pathogens

10/29/2024: BioStone Animal Health was Awarded Research Grant for Development of African swine fever (ASF)  DIVA Tests

05/03/2024: BioStone Animal Health Launches Foot and mouth disease Virus (FMDV) SAT2 Antibody Test Kit

04/12/2024: BioStone Animal Health Launches African Swine Fever Virus (ASF) I177L Antibody Test Kit

03/21/2024: BioStone Animal Health Launches Nipah Virus Antibody Test Kit

02/16/2024: BioStone Animal Health Launches Rabies Antibody Test Kit

12/15/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Japanese Encephalitis Antibody Test Kit

11/21/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Fowl Adenovirus Group 1, Serotypes 4, 8, and 11 ELISAs

09/28/2023: BioStone Animal Health Awarded USDA SBIR Grant for Development of Avian Influenza Subtype H5 and H7 ELISAs

08/13/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Leptospira Antibody Test Kit

07/03/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Clostridium Perfringens Alpha Toxin Antibody Test Kit

06/09/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches PRRS GP5 Antibody Test Kit

05/03/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Brucella suis Bp26 Antibody Test Kit

04/03/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches CAEV/MVV Antibody Test Kit

03/06/2023: BioStone was awarded USDA AFRI Agriculture Biosecurity Grant for ASF DIVA assay development

01/16/2023: BioStone Animal Health Launches Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV-2) Antibody Test Kit

12/12/2022: BioStone ELISA Analysis Software Program Update Announcement

10/17/2022: BioStone Animal Health Launches Mycobacterium Bovis (M. Bovis) Antibody Test Kit

08/18/2022: BioStone Animal Health Launches Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) Antibody Test Kit

06/29/2022: BioStone Animal Health Launches the AsurDxTM ELISA Analysis Software

12/17/2021: BioStone Animal Health Launches Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) Antibody Test Kit

11/19/2021: BioStone Animal Health Launches Porcine Circovirus 3 (PCV-3) Antibody Test Kit

10/22/2021: BioStone Animal Health Launches FMDV Type O and Asia1 Antibody cELISA Test Kit

08/04/2021: SHIC Grant-Funded BioStone ASF ELISAs Validation Project Progress was Reported by SHIC August Newsletter

07/01/2021: BioStone was Awarded SBIR Phase I Grant for ASF DIVA Assay Development from USDA

02/12/2021: BioStone Animal Health was awarded a grant from The National Pork Board for Classical Swine Fever (CSF) antibodies DIVA ELISA development

12/01/2019: We are excited to announce that we are in the process of licensing and commercializing a multivalent subunit EHDV vaccine