AsurDx™ Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV-2)Antibody Test

The AsurDxTM Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV-2) Antibody Test Kit is designed for the detection of pig antibodies specific to Porcine Circovirus 2(PCV-2).


  • Detects PCV-2 IgG antibodies in pig serum/plasma;
  • Procedures last less than 75 minutes;
  • Provides a simple, rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective enzyme-based immunoassay (ELISA) screening method

*Availability/Distribution: The product is designed and developed by BioStone US Texas headquarters and manufactured/assembled by BioStone oversea subsidiaries or partners. Currently, the product is only available outside of the USA. Regulatory requirements vary by oversea countries; the product may not be available in your geographic area.


MethodIndirect ELISA
Coated AntigenPCV-2 Antigen-Coated Plate
Incubation Time75 minutes
StorageAt least 12 months
SpecificityPCV-2 specific pig antibodies

Order Information

Catalog Number10096-0210096-05
Plates2 plates5 plates
Plate Format12 X 8-well strips12 X 8-well strips

About Disease

Porcine Circovirus 2 (PCV-2) is a recently described virus belonging to the family Circoviridae. It represents the third member of genus Circovirus able to infect swine, together with PCV-1, considered non-pathogenic, and PCV-2, one of the most economically relevant viruses for the swine worldwide industry. The Europe research result that a high amount of PCV-2 was detected in tissues in stillbirths with arthrogryposis and in preweaning piglets with nervous disease and multisystemic inflammation providing good evidence of its likely causal association with disease.