BioStone Animal Health Launches Leptospira Antibodies Test Kit

DALLAS-FORT WORTH, TX — August 13, 2023 — BioStone Animal Health is pleased to announce the launch of the AsurDxTM Leptospira Antibodies Test Kit (Bovine/Ovine/Caprine/Swine) designed for the detection of antibodies specific to Leptospira in bovine, ovine, caprine or swine. Leptospira is a genus of spirochaete bacteria, including a small number of pathogenic and saprophytic species, such as Leptospira interrogans (serovarspomona, icterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, and bratislava), Leptospira borgpetersenii (serovars sejroe and tarassovi) and Leptospira kirschneri (serovar grippotyphosa). Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with Leptospira bacteria. These bacteria can be found worldwide in soil and water. There are many strains of Leptospira bacteria that can cause disease. Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to people. Signs of leptospirosis may include fever, shivering, muscle tenderness, reluctance to move, increased thirst, changes in the frequency or amount of urination, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, jaundice or painful inflammation within the eyes.

The AsurDxTM Leptospira Antibodies Test Kit detects all serotypes of Leptospira IgGs in bovine, ovine, caprine or swine serum/plasma. The AsurDxTM Leptospira Antibodies Test Kit provides a simple, rapid, sensitive and cost-effective enzyme-based immunoassay (ELISA) screening method.

About BioStone Animal Health — BioStone Animal Health is a Dallas, TX-based biotechnology company that provides innovative solutions for animal health. BioStone Animal Health works together with our worldwide partners to offer a portfolio of animal disease diagnostic products as well as test kits and reagents for vaccine testing that enables performing a rapid evaluation of the efficacies, stability, consistency, and potency of common animal vaccines. BioStone strives to actively promote and participate in global animal health initiatives by making these test kits available to the international community. For more information about BioStone Animal Health, visit