Brand NameTest Name (sorted)Cat #MethodReactions
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus I177L Gene (ASFV-I177L) PCR KitASFV I177L 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus One-Step Pre-mixed Solution PCR KitASFV 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus P72 Gene and I177L Gene (ASFV-P72, I177L) Dual PCR KitASFV P72-I177L 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus P72, EGFP, Mcherry Triple PCR KitASFV P72-EGFP-Mc 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus P72, CD2v, MGF Triple PCR KitASFV P72-CD2v-MGF 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus PCR Kit (with Internal Control Type 1)ASFV 2050-RT-B1PCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus PCR Kit (with Internal Control Type 2)ASFV 2050-RT-B2PCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus PCR Kit (with Internal Control Type 3)ASFV 2050-RT-B3PCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus Type 1 and 2 (ASFV-1, 2) Dual PCR KitASFV 1-2 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever Virus Type 1, Type 2, Chimeric Triple PCR KitASFV 1-2-M 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™African Swine Fever, Classical Swine Fever, PRRSV, Pseudorabies Virus gB (ASFV, CSFV, PRRSV, PRV-gB) Quadruple PCR KitASFV-CSFV-PRRSV-PRVgB 5050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever and Blue Ear Disease (CSFV, PRRSV) Dual PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever and Blue Ear Disease High Pathogenic Strain (CSFV, PRRSV-M) Dual PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV M 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus Universal Type (CSFV-U) PCR KitCSFV U 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus Wild Strain (CSFV-W) PCR KitCSFV W 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus Wild Strain, Vaccine Strain (CSFV-W, CSFV-V) Dual PCR KitCSFV W-V 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus, Swine Blue Ear Disease Virus, Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (CSFV, PRRSV, FMDV) Triple PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV-FMDV 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus, Swine Blue Ear Disease Virus, Pseudorabies Virus (CSFV, PRRSV, PRV-gB) Triple PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV-PRVgB 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus, Swine Blue Ear Disease Virus, Pseudorabies Virus Wild Strain, and Swine Circovirus Type 2 (CSFV, PRRSV, PRV-gE, PCV2) Quadruple PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV-PRVgE-PCV2 5050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus, Swine Blue Ear Disease Virus, Pseudorabies Virus, and Swine Circovirus Type 2 (CSFV, PRRSV, PRV-gB, PCV2) Quadruple PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV-PRVgB-PCV2 5050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Classical Swine Fever Virus, Swine Blue Ear Disease Virus, Swine Circovirus Type 2, and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (CSFV, PRRSV, PCV2, FMDV) Quadruple PCR KitCSFV-PRRSV-PCV2-FMDV 5050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Cysticercus (CC) PCR KitCC 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus / Seneca Valley Virus (FMDV SV) Dual PCR KitFMDV-SV 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type A (FMDV-A) PCR KitFMDV A 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type Asia1 (FMDV-Asia1) PCR KitFMDV A1 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus O Type (FMDV-O) PCR KitFMDV O 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus O Type A Type (FMDV-O/A) PCR KitFMDV O-A 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type O/A/Asia 1 (FMDV-O A Asia 1) PCR KitFMDV O-A-A1 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Universal Type (FMDV-U) PCR KitFMDV U 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Haemophilus parasuis (HPS) PCR KitHPS 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) PCR KitHAV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) PCR KitJEV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Leptospira (Lep) PCR KitLep 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) PCR KitLCMV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV American Strain (PRRSV-NA) PCR KitPRRSV NA 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV American Strain High Pathogenicity (Including Internal Control) Triple PCR KitPRRSV NA-M 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV European Strain and American Strains Dual PCR KitPRRSV EU-NA 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV European Strain PCR KitPRRSV EU 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV High Pathogenic PCR ReagentsPRRSV M 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV North American Strain, Classical Swine Fever Virus Wild Type (PRRSV-NA CSFV-W) Dual PCR KitPRRSV NA-CSFV W 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV Universal PCR KitPRRSV U 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™PRRSV Universal, Swine Circovirus Type 2, Swine Circovirus Type 3 Triple PCR KitPRRSV U-PCV2-PCV3 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus Universal Type -Wild Strain (Including Internal Control) Triple PCR KitPRV 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus Universal Type -Wild Strain Dual PCR KitPRV 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus Wild Strain (PRV-gE) PCR KitPRV gE 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus Universal (PRV-gB) PCR KitPRV gB 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus gE/gD (PRV-gE/gD) Dual PCR KitPRV gE-gD 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Pseudorabies Virus Wild Strain – Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PRV-gE PCV2) Dual PCR KitPRV gE-PCV2 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Seneca Valley Virus (SV) PCR KitSV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (APP) PCR KitAPP 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia, Pasteurella Multocida, and Swine Pneumonia Mycoplasma Triple PCR KitAPP-SPA-MHP 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (SADS-CoV) PCR KitSADS-CoV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Bocavirus PCR KitPBoV 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Chlamydia (SC) PCR KitSC 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Circovirus and Pseudorabies Virus gE (PCV, PRV-gE) Dual PCR KitPCV-PRV-gE 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) PCR KitPCV2 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Circovirus Type 2 and Type 3 (PCV2/PCV3) Dual PCR KitPCV2-PCV3 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Circovirus Type 3 (PCV3) PCR KitPCV3 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Circovirus Universal Type (PCV-U) PCR KitPCV U 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Coronavirus and Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (PCov, SADS-CoV) Dual PCR KitPCoV-SADS-CoV 3050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Delta Coronavirus (δ-PCov) PCR Kitδ-Pcov 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus PCR KitPEDV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) (Including Endogenous Gene) PCR KitPEDV 3050-RT-CRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Epidemic Diarrhea, Rotavirus, and Delta Coronavirus (PEDV, PRV, PCoV) Triple PCR KitPEDV-PRV-PCoV 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Epidemic Diarrhea, Transmissible Gastroenteritis, and Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (PEDV, TGEV, SADS-CoV) Triple PCR KitPEDV-TGEV-SADS-PCoV 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Epidemic Diarrhea, Transmissible Gastroenteritis, and Delta Coronavirus (PEDV, TGEV, PCoV) Triple PCR KitPEDV-TGEV-PCoV 4050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Erysipelas Bacterium (SER) PCR KitSER 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Erythrocytic Body (SEP) PCR KitSEP 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Getah Virus (GETV) PCR KitGETV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) PCR KitSIV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Influenza Virus H1N1 Type (H1N1) PCR KitH1N1 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Lawsonia Intracellularis (LI) PCR KitLI 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Mycoplasma Pneumonia (MHP) PCR KitMHP 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Nasal Mycoplasma (MyP) PCR KitMyP 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Parvovirus (PPV) PCR KitPPV 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Parvovirus Type 1-7 (PPV-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) PCR KitPPV 8050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Parvovirus, Pseudorabies Virus, and Circovirus Type 2 (PPV, PRV-gB, PCV2) Triple PCR KitPPV-PRV-PCV2 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Rotavirus (RV) PCR KitSRV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Streptococcus and Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (SS, HPS) Dual PCR KitSS-HPS 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Streptococcus Type 2 (SS-2) PCR KitSS2 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Streptococcus Universal (SS-U) PCR KitSSU 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Streptococcus Universal and Streptococcus Type 2 (SS-U, SS-2) Dual PCR KitSSU-SS2 3050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Streptococcus, Haemophilus parasuis, and Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia Triple PCR KitSS-HPS-APP 4050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Toxoplasma (TOX) PCR KitSTOX 2050-RTPCR50
AsurDx™Swine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) PCR KitTGEV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Transmissible Gastroenteritis, Epidemic Diarrhea, Rotavirus, and Delta Coronavirus (TGEV, PEDV, PRV, PCoV) Quadruple PCR KitTGEV-PEDV-PRV-PCoV 5050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Swine Vesicular Disease Virus (SVDV) PCR KitSVDV 2050-RTRT-PCR50
AsurDx™Torque Teno Virus (TTV) PCR KitTTV 2050-RTPCR50